VERSIONS 2017, Speaker Spotlight: Charlotte Furet

The F_T_R are an interdisciplinary design studio working at the intersection of speculation, imagination, prediction, and realization. On their website, they bid themselves as “Innovation Architects.” And as the creators of projects such as the haptic suit Skinterface and the digital display of bioluminescent bacteria Living Pixels, The F_T_R have lived up to that description.
At our upcoming VERSIONS 2017 conference, Charlotte Furet, a designer at the F_T_R, will be a featured speaker during our “Sensing Stories” panel. Born and raised in Paris, Furet received her BA in Architecture from Barnard College and a dual masters in Innovation Design Engineering from the Royal College of Art and Imperial College London. Alongside her experimental engagement with new technologies like synthetic biology and virtual reality, Furet has spent extensive time working in developing countries, designing, prototyping, testing, and implementing products, systems, and services aimed at improving people’s lives.
Furet will be an essential part of our panel “Sensing Stories” at VERSIONS 2017. The panel will also feature Chandler Burr (Former scent critic for The New York Times), Dražen Bošnjak (Composer and sound designer at Q Department & Mach1), and Robin McNicholas (Creative Director at Marshmallow Laser Feast), as they discuss all the other opportunities for immersion with our senses, beyond mere the sight and visual fidelity VR, AR, and MR currently provide us.
Missed our last Speaker Spotlight on Jenn Duong? You can read it here! Also, you can apply for tickets to attend our VERSIONS 2017 conference here.