Yale researchers have found a way to rip images from people’s minds

Time to start thinking about some custom firmware to guard the content of that brain of yours, presuming you are not a futurist who already thinks about that daily. Researchers at Yale have found a way to read people’s minds with an MRI machine. Before, they could read nonspecific things, like whether you were thinking about, say, flowers or buildings, but now they have enough juice to scan the details of a face. By having participants study a human visage while being scanned, scientists can intercept the image from brain activity patterns and reproduce it, although the reproductions look from slightly to radically different from the one they were thinking of.
This of course seems like it could have incredible potential for games, you know, if they could ever get around the need for dangerous radiation and scary-expensive machines. And one day they might. Late last year, Valve bigwig Gabe Newell alluded to mysterious research in the realm of computerized mind-reading, making it sound like the company had something up its sleeve. But as it stands mind-controlled games are binary things, more like pushing a button by concentrating than tapping into your fears and your tactical shooter strategy. Still, it could be very cool if game designers could react to your thoughts. Except Suda51. I do not trust that guy with my unconscious at all.