the sims

Jacky Connolly: Mining memories for suburban fantasies

: Artist Jacky Connolly transforms The Sims into a cinematic medium, crafting moody digital films that reimagine her Hudson Valley upbringing through leisurely suburban vignettes that blur the boundaries between memory, virtuality, and place.

Videogames and the end of sleep

In 2005, following the public outrage over the abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, the research group Gallup organized a survey to gauge Americans’ attitudes towards the “enhanced interrogation techniques” employed by intelligence services in the War on Terror. When presented with descr

The Sims finally loosens up its gender restrictions

Prior to last week, characters in The Sims 4 (2014) were at a bit of a paradox. They could have any skin color the player wanted—including nonexistent ones—move and present themselves in a variety of cartoonish manners, have one of dozens of slightly different styles of eyebrows or chin lengths (yes