Is the iPhone having its Game Boy moment? 1/3 of high school students own one.

Not that we needed anymore proof of the popularity of the iPhone, but new research continues the trend of us talking about the popularity of the iPhone. Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster issued this report:

The results of the extensive survey of 5,600 U.S. high school students show that 34% of surveyed students now own an iPhone, an all-time high in the survey and double the percentage seen just a year ago. Furthermore, 40% of surveyed students indicated that they intend to purchase an iPhone within the next six months.

What I’m most interested in, of course, is games and what seems to undergird this is the reality that there are million of HS students out there with a gaming device in hand, even if they don’t know it. That’s a tremendous boon to indie game devs who obviously struggle for attention but at least access is no longer an issue. (Cough, Draw Something?)

[via PSFK]