Can Phil Fish make you cry? Find out June 12 when Indie Game: The Movie gets worldwide release.

After beginning life in 2010 as a humble Kickstarter project with a goal of $15,000, James Swirsky and Kisanne Pajot’s Indie Game: The Movie has finally secured a worldwide release on June 12. The movie will be “powered” by VHX, the very same company behind Kill Screen TV. For $9.95 you can watch it as a high quality stream or download the entire movie without any attached DRM software.
The movies profiles the struggles of Fez‘s Phil Fish, Super Meat Boy‘s Edmund McMillen and Tommy Refenes, and The Witness‘s Jonathan Blow. Nicolas Rapold reviewed the movie for The New York Times and called it, “a bracing, honest confession about these interactive creations, voice by one designer but no doubt applying to many more makers of all kinds: ‘I made it for myself.'”
[via VHX]