Young Link snaps selfies, bigfoot in San Andreas, & Smash Bros. fans take over Bryant Park

Link can take selfies in Wind Waker HD, which is pretty weird for a game character, or anyone, really.
Simon Parkin talks with the Grand Theft Auto Bigfoot Hunter Society. We would call bullshit, but then again, we remember the time we saw a ghost in Red Dead Redemption.
For fans of Madden on the Genesis, this Madden 25 trailer is a walk down memory lane. What, no love for NFL Head Coach?
Motherboard has the inside scoop on the kind of Lysergic acid diethylamide Steve Jobs dropped.
We had one thought when we heard Sims characters will be able to multitask. Prediction: they can use the phone on the john.
Here’s a clip of the bloody, the broken, and the bizarre from The 7 Day First-Person Shooter Jam. (Spare yourself. Hit mute.)
Elsewhere in the sleep-deprived world of game jams, the Center for Disease Control is hosting a disease-centric jam.
Smash Bros. players have taken over Bryant Park in NYC. It’s the exact oppisite of Occupy Wall Street.
See ya!