The perfect games to give dear ol’ mom for Mother’s Day

This post was written as part of our collaboration with eBay.
If your mom is like our moms, it’s entirely possible she hasn’t even contemplated videogames since the year you graduated high school. Giving her a game for Mother’s Day would be like giving someone who never learned to swim a scuba tank.
Then again, maybe mom deserves more credit. The other day one of our writers was telling us how he’d received an email from a stranger on eBay. He was unloading some old games, and she explained in her letter that she was a mother who previously had no interest in games, but had picked up her son’s copy of Deadly Premonition out of boredom and was hooked. She seemed desperate to know if there were any more games like it. He never wrote back—if you’re out there, he’s sorry. (There aren’t other games like Deadly Premonition, though.)
Maybe those of our moms who are indifferent to games are not so different from that woman. Our vision statement does posit, after all, that “everyone games, even if not everyone is a ‘gamer’.”
We can’t help thinking that, if we selected one that particularly fit her tastes, she would finally “get” games, realize what she’s been missing all these years, and start posting videos of her greatest Dark Souls 2 trolls on YouTube. So keep that in mind as you peruse these Mother’s Day collections we’ve curated for eBay.

If you’re planning on doing some family gaming on Mom’s Day, you can find our suggestions of what to play here, including games like Little Big Planet 2, Portal 2, and Gears of War 3 (obvious choice).

And if your mom needs a little convincing that games are worth her time (and yours), you can find some games that will do the trick here, like Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy, Beyond Two Souls, and Journey.
You can find other great gift ideas specifically curated for mom on eBay too.
And if you’re feeling lucky, you can create your own #eBayMom collection of gifts for a chance to win $500 to shop on eBay.
Might be a good year to one-up your usual strategy of buying a box of chocolates at Rite Aid on the way to her house.