Muse answers the question: What if John Lennon helped create Earthbound?

Announced at Kyoto’s Bitsummit 2015, Muse: Together is the New Alone is the latest from Pixeljunk Eden art/music director Baiyon. Developed and published by Pygmy Studio, Muse seeks to take players out of this world with its own unique spin on an unrequited love story.
Muse takes notes from Zelda II as it tells the story of a young, small-town girl trapped in an eternal slumber and the boy questing to awaken her. When the boy discovers mysterious notes and paintings belonging to the girl, he follows them in hopes of bringing her back to the waking world, and finds himself on a quite literal “trip” in the process.
Muse seems to craft its own psychedelic identity
Muse’s art and sound are both immediately striking in their resemblance to Earthbound, but perhaps the most interesting thing about Muse is how it takes the already surreal nature of Itoi’s masterwork and manages to make it even more bizarre. Looking at Earthbound’s Americana-inspired pastel designs through the lens of “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds,” Muse seems to craft its own psychedelic identity where the familiar meets neon colors and impossible geometry, all set to an electronic soundtrack that’s equal parts melancholic and out-of-this-world.
Muse is set to arrive on the PlayStation 4 and PS Vita at an as-yet-unannounced date. Until then, Muse’s website is set to please with art and music that will take you back to the ‘60s, man.