A tarot card deck designed by world-famous designers and artists

We all know artists and designers are practically fortune-tellers, able to pick up on future trends and styles when creating and reimagining their art. But when they put that divination talent into a strangely fitting literal manifestation, the results are breathtaking.
Contemporary Magic: A Tarot Deck Art Project is a collection of tarot card designs, created by 78 esteemed designers and artists, and put on display in a travelling exhibition. Among the artists commissioned were Ultra Violet, Andres Serrano, Francesco Vezzoli, Nan Goldin, as well as designers Christian Louboutin, Karl Lagerfeld, Marc Jacobs and Dame Vivienne Westwood.

The exhibit is curated by Stacy Engman, and has traveled to distinguished museums across the country, including the Dali Museum, Andy Warhol Museum and Virginia MoCA, amongst others. The tarot cards are now being compiled into a tarot card app by Playdots, Inc, for everyone to experience. Card designs range from eerie and majestic, to colorful and brash, each striking in their own way, while carrying the style of their respective artist.
“Each matched to a card based on parallel archetypes in their artwork and themes in the card,” reads the app’s description. “The show is a celebration of the great creative icons of our time, all reflecting universal and iconic facets of visual expression.”
You can download Contemporary Magic: A Tarot Deck Art Project here.