Deep Space is a soundtrack to a videogame that doesn’t exist

Bad news: Deep Space is a game you will never play. It doesn’t exist except as an implication. It’s the invented backstory for a new record by Joel Williams (also of Wavves-affiliated acts Sweet Valley and Spirit Club). Under the name Kynan, Williams wrote the soundtrack to an imaginary game, which

Lo-fi survival horror returns next week as Back in 1995 comes out

The year 1995 was a turning point for the videogame industry. It was the first year of E3—now the biggest videogame awards and announcement show, which still runs annually. It was the year of the release of Sony’s PlayStation in Europe and North America (it had been released the year prior in Japan)

This PS1-style videogame is basically Speed with hysterical vehicle physics

Speed, the 1994 film in which Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock, and assorted extras hurtled around Los Angeles in a public transit bus, was a fun movie about absolutely nothing. With that in mind, here is OmniBus, an arcade-style game currently being developed by Chicago’s The Buddy Cops that takes Spee