Let this serve as a friendly public service announcement: never trust anyone in DayZ. That should be obvious, but in case it’s not, watch carefully as two dudes lie through their teeth to lure a far too naive dude to a bullet in the back of his head. The video, called Ultimate Deception, by YouTube
This is the revelation I gained from the DayZ Character Dice Game Remix, a personality-rolling meta-game you play prior to logging in, with the numbers from your dice assigning you a specific mentality. Created by Reddit-users Conn3ct3d and Wingthree, the game casts you as either a hero, good guy,
When Sony announced their online zombie game H1Z1 last week, everyone’s first thought was that it sounded exactly like Day Z. But it’s refreshing to hear Sony being so upfront about how the game wears its influence on it sleeve, instead of the typical PR newspeak we usually hear. When pestered with